The CEO and publisher of Wisdom Publications, Daniel Aitken, shares a conversation with David Nichtern that explores ways we can bring the wisdom and practices of the Dharma into our daily lives.
Daniel Aitken is the CEO and publisher of Wisdom Publications, a non-profit charitable publisher of books, podcasts, and online courses on contemporary and classical Buddhism, mindfulness, and meditation. Daniel holds a Ph.D. in Buddhist studies, with a focus on the Tibetan language. Discover Wisdom Publications’ rich collection of offerings available at wisdomexperience.org.
Bringing Dharma Into Daily Life
Daniel reflects on all of the opportunities in daily life we have to practice the wisdom teachings of the Buddhist tradition. He shares his introduction to Dharma practice and how he has integrated his spiritual path into different aspects of his life.
“Business is a great workshop to test these practices (of Dharma) in.” – Daniel Aitken
Wisdom in the Modern Age (14:15)
David and Daniel talk about Wisdom Publications’ mission of connecting people with authentic Buddhist wisdom. They discuss the challenges of bringing the Dharma into the digital space and reaching people in new ways.
Practicing the Principles for a Better Life (37:25)
What are some ways that we can integrate the Dharma into our day-to-day lives? Daniel and David share simple practices and principles of the dharma that can dramatically change our life when they become part of our daily routine.
“Just live this stuff. Find freedom. Find creativity. Dissolve this duality between spirituality and daily life.” – Daniel Aitken